 connects to: Zorro II
PIcture 1
PIcture 2
PIcture 3
PIcture 4
PIcture 5
PIcture 6
PIcture 7
PIcture 8
SecureKey with box
Hi Res version, PIcture 1
- 1024 x 774, 89K
Hi Res version, PIcture 2
- 1024 x 798, 79K
Hi Res version, PIcture 3
- 1024 x 742, 112K
Hi Res version, PIcture 4
- 1024 x 684, 173K
Hi Res version, PIcture 5
- 1024 x 695, 150K
Hi Res version, PIcture 6
- 1024 x 716, 138K
Hi Res version, PIcture 7
- 1024 x 757, 142K
Hi Res version, PIcture 8
- 1024 x 742, 153K
Hi Res Version, SecureKey
- 1400 x 544, 96K

The SecureKey is a half length Zorro II card. It provides security access controls for the Amiga by prompting for a password at power on. Without entering the correct password, it is impossible to access the Amiga, including booting from any device. The SecureKey requires at least Kickstart 1.3

Page contributors: Jan Pedersen, Mario Misic, Michael Czajka, Ron Mascaro
Updated: 1/17/2016 . Added: 12/22/2004